Saturday, December 24, 2005

California Dreaming

Benny is quite the jet setter this year. On the 21st, he flew underneathe the first class cabin of an Alaska jet from Portland to Los Angeles for the holiday season. He is spending the week at a ritzy joint in Beverly Hills. There, he is reunited with his brother, Winston. Also, two older and more established black labs, Mike and Murphy, entertain Winston and Benny at their 90210 abode.

On the 23rd, was the big reunion party where Benny's sister Nora and his mother Lola came to visit. The house was full with 6 beautiful black labs!

[My father watches on as the labs congregate in the foyer -- lab crossing zone]

[Benny is so excited that he just can't stay still]

[Murphy, the self-titled champion swimmer of the household decided it was time to get into the pool. He checks with Benny's sister Nora before he jumps in.]

[Benny and Winston just play, and play, and play, and play... so much so that Winston has had to be timed out for a sports injury.]

Sunday, December 18, 2005


Benny had his picture taken with Santa and this photo was used for our Christmas card. Benny is 17 weeks today. He has completed his early stages of life at the vets office. He has all of his shots and he is a happy guy!