Sunday, March 26, 2006

Benny buys a car...

It is amazing how a dog can motivate you to make changes. Well, first we did the house because we felt Benny needed more room, and then I traded in my SAAB for an eco-friendly Ford Escape Hybrid. In this picture, Benny looks manly as he stands on guard over his new wheels.

The Profoundness of Labrador

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Benny looking very adult...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Such a cool dog...

We love Benny... he really is the greatest dog ever!

Benny buys a house...

So, we've been real busy lately and just bought a townhome. We have all be very excited and Benny shares that feeling.


Benny loves it when it is shower time. It is a morning tradition... he loves the water.