Sunday, February 19, 2006

The First "Mini-Swim"

It is staying lighter and it is getting warmer in Portland. Benny wants to go for his first mini-swim experience. His older buddy Murphy, shows Benny the water and he loves it!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Ridiculous Raincoat

For Christmas, our friend Lee Ann gave Benny a raincoat. January was one of the rainiest months in 40 years in the state of Oregon, so the coat came in handy. Thanks Lee Ann.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Labrador Technical Support

So, I am lucky that there is Labrador technical support. I had to call the Land's End Labrador support line (an operation that hasn't been outsourced to India... yet). I was triming Benny's nails and on the last paw, nail #4, I accidentally cut the quik. Benny didn't seem to mind at all, but his owner was horrified because he couldn't get the bleeding to stop.

The support line recommended Quik Stop, but it was too late in the evening to go to the store to buy that. Everytime I got the bleeding to stop, Benny would start licking the area and old faithful started to gush again.

So, the technical support line told me to use an old sock and tie it around the bleeding foot. It looked funny, but it solved the problem. Thanks Lauren!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Sleepy Time

So, January 2006 got off to a great start. Benny bought a Dog House and with his owner's being scared stiff of the certain mortgage payments to come, the Blog took a back seat. But, we're back... and really, the whole time, Benny has been a happy healthy dog! He is also a sleepy one too... just like his owners ;)